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Process-Friendly Music

Recently, mainline (oldline) denominations have made a concerted effort to inclusify some of its most cherished music. The theology remains splotchy, however, with the Unitarian Universalists leading the way in terms of a progressive theology that is consistent with process thought.

The songs in this list that were weeded out were ones that espouse an omnipotent, almighty, patriarchal, God, or contain too much kyriarchal/monarchical language. The songs that are salvage-able have suggested changes under the ‘Notes’ section. These include minor changes from ‘Lord’ to ‘God’ or ‘kingdom’ to ‘New Realm’ or ‘kin-dom.’ An effort was also made to eliminate songs that contain sacrificial atonement theology.

The list of songs has been separated into two categories, one that can be used by Trinitarians and Unitarians alike, and the other being more Christocentric, focusing on the life and ministry of Jesus the Christ. Each list has been sort according to theme.

On a positive note, there were major advances in terms of songs that reflect the process values of interrelationality, an emphasis on the web of life, and the divine initial aim. It is also encouraging to see feminist and liberation-themed songs included in hymnals, as well as songs from all over the world.

The list of songs was prepared by the Rev. Jonipher Kwong. Rev. Kwong is an ordained pastor with the Metropolitan Community Churches. He graduated from Claremont School of Theology with a Masters of Divinity degree and a Doctorate of Ministry, with an emphasis on worship from a process perspective. He is currently pastoring a MCC church in Honolulu, Hawaii.