TagPrehension & the Self – November 2005
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Question: I am struggling to understand the process view of the person. I understand the notion of the person as a sequence of actual occasions. I understand the concrescence of each occasion, based on the prehension of God, through God of ideals, and of other (past) occasions…
Can Prehension Lead to Truth?
By Arlette Poland
The actual occasion, as it is becoming actual, prehends information from the past. It determines what to eliminate or keep or ignore. It is as if the occasion matches the energy of the past and thus decides what to accept or not into its becoming. It is like an emotional resp..
Prehension and Friendliness: Creative, Dynamic Peace
By Dr. Arlette Poland
Whitehead coined the term prehension. In his opus, Process and Reality, starting at page 19, he begins to unfold what prehension means in his complex and thorough biological model of existence and becoming. Prehension has two aspects that can be understood as subjective an..