TagAesthetic as a Process Value – October 2007
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Question: Why do process thinkers so consistently emphasize the priority of the aesthetic in relation to the ethical? And why is “interest” more important than “truth?”
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Publication Month: October 2007
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Relativity of Truth or the Truth of Relativity? – November 2012
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Question: Does process thought affirm the relativity of truth or the truth of relativity?
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Publication Month: November 2012
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This is a clever way to put a very fundamental question. It is also a w..
Can Prehension Lead to Truth?
By Arlette Poland
The actual occasion, as it is becoming actual, prehends information from the past. It determines what to eliminate or keep or ignore. It is as if the occasion matches the energy of the past and thus decides what to accept or not into its becoming. It is like an emotional resp..