Ann Milliken Pederson
CategoryFalling Process
by Ann Milliken Pederson
We were meant to fall: never created perfect in the first place. Falling is what leaves do best when the season turns from the hot intensity of summer to the crisp, chilly air of fall. My hibiscus is still radiating with the warmth of summer even as it is brought ..
On a Bicycle Built for Two—A Tandem theology
by Ann M. Pederson
The simple definition of tandem from a group of two people or things that work together or are associated with each other.
“There is, however, in the Galilean origin of Christianity yet another suggestion which does not fit very well with any of t..
Becoming Christ-like Heathens
by Ann Pederson
“What is done in the world is transformed into a reality in heaven, and the reality of heaven passes back into the world. By reason of this reciprocal relation, the love in the world passes into the love in heaven, and floods back again into the world. In this sense, God is the ..
Midsomer Murders: Metaphors for the Puzzlement of Why Life is Such a Mystery
by Ann Pederson
“Mystery is not a matter of ignorance, not a matter of not knowing enough. Mystery is a matter of richness and texture.” Philip Hefner, Our Bodies Are Selves (143)
“Mystery is not the same as a puzzle. A puzzle can be solved—the more we learn about it and think about it, the ..
An Expose (to lay bare) on Breast Cancer
by Ann Pederson
“There’s no release from reality, no ‘outside’ or ‘beyond’ from which some transforming touch might come. But what a relief it can be to befriend contingency, to meet God right here in the havoc of change, to feel love like a stroke of pure luck.” (17) My Bright Abyss, by Christ..
by Ann Pederson
Living Until We Die, Dying Until We Live
Celebrating life with a how to die party: or
What do I want when I am not able to know what I want
Surrounded by some of our favorite people, we chose to spend this last Sunday night talking about how we would want to live when we are dy..
By Ann Pederson
From The Way We Were, Barbra Streisand sings: “memories. . .light the corners of my mind, misty water-colored memories, of the way things were. . . .Or has time rewritten every line?” Some days it seems like time has rewritten every line of my mother’s memory. Or at least the ce..
by Ann Pederson
About as faithfully as the old geyser spouts off, Gary and I travel almost every summer to my favorite place in the world—Yellowstone Park. I grew up in Bozeman, Montana and Yellowstone was just a drive up the Gallatin Canyon from my house. My parents and I avoided the tourist s..