Brianne Donaldson
Category“To Sir, With Love”?: On Grounding Protests in Skeptical Politics
by Brianne Donaldson
The duty of tolerance is our finite homage to the abundance of inexhaustible novelty which is awaiting the future, and to the complexity of accomplished fact which exceeds our stretch of insight.
—Alfred North Whitehead, Adventures of Ideas, 65
As visitors filled Disc..
Imaginative Justice: Summary Questions
by Brianne Donaldson
This essay is one of a 6-part series titled “What is Justice?”:First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth
Justice seems to be a relentless exercise of moral imagination mixed with some blue collar repair skills to adjust the scales of well-being when they have fallen ask..
A Hearse On the Highway
by Brianne Donaldson
The enjoyment of power is fatal to the subtleties of life. Ruling classes degenerate by reason of their lazy indulgence in obvious gratifications.
—A. N. Whitehead
Adventures of Ideas, 106
Today an empty hearse cornered sharply onto the street ahead of me, speeding toward ..
Social Justice: Making Visible the Unseen
by Brianne Donaldson
This essay is one of a 6-part series titled “What is Justice?”:First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth
Social justice puts flesh on the bones of Rawls’ principles of fairness discussed in the last segment, bringing individuals and communities to life. Bodies and voic..
Othered Bodies, Social Contract Theory, and the Expansion of Justice
by Brianne Donaldson
This essay is one of a 6-part series titled “What is Justice?”:First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth
In the previous reflection, I examined several types of divine justice (i.e. transcendent or natural justice) that provide foundational social values that become..
Transcendent Justice or Human Judgment: Where Do The Norms of Justice Come From?
by Brianne Donaldson
This essay is one of a 6-part series titled “What is Justice?”:First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth
In the previous installment, I speculated on what is weighed in the two scales of justice. Most contemporary explanations suggest that the truths of society rest in ..
The Scales of Justice: What Exactly Is Being Weighed?
by Brianne Donaldson
This essay is one of a 6-part series titled “What is Justice?”:First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth
Lady Justice is the only cardinal virtue to be memorialized in stone and paint. While her cousins Temperance, Prudence, and Fortitude primarily inhabit the pages of ..
What is Justice? We Know But We Don’t Know
By Brianne Donaldson
This essay is one of a 6-part series titled “What is Justice?”:First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth
Like the words “God” or “love,” the term “justice” does not explain, but must be explained. All three words, in fact, share something of the same fate, insofar as ea..