Creation Season: Texts, Hymns, Blessings

Ist Sunday of Creation Season: God Is Creating

Text: Genesis 1:1-25
First Hymn Joyful Joyful
Middle Hymn For the Beauty of the Earth
Final Hymn Sing of Colors (De Colores)

Commission and Blessing
We join with the earth and each other
     To bring new life to the land;
     To restore the waters, to refresh the air
We join with the earth and each other
     To renew the of rest;
     To care for the plants, to protect creatures
We join with the earth and each other
     To celebrate the seas
     To rejoice in sunlight, to sing the song of the stars
We join with the earth and each other
     To recreate the human community
     To promote justice and peace, to remember our children
We join with the earth and each other
     We join together as diverse expressions of one loving mystery;
     For the healing of the earth and the renewal of all life

2nd Sunday of Creation Season: God Is Sustaining

Text: Psalm 104:24-30 & Job 12:7-10
First Hymn To You, O God, All Creatures Sing
Middle Hymn This Is God’s Wondrous World
Final Hymn Creator God, We Sing

Commission and Blessing
In the beginning God created all things;
     And God say that they were good.
At our beginning, God created us, unique and irreplaceable;
     Loved by God, wanted by God, known to God, and treasured by God.
In every new beginning, God is still present—creating, transforming, renewing—
     Calling us into relationship with God, with each other
     And with all of creation.
We will respond with lives of simplicity and sustainability;
     We pledge ourselves to act for justice and the healing of the earth.

3rd Sunday of Creation Season: God Is Co-Creator

Text: Psalm 8:3-9
First Hymn: Praise to the Living God
Middle Hymn: Morning Has Broken
Final Hymn: Let All Things Now Living

Commission & Blessing
You have given us the earth, the sky and the seas;
you have called us to tend and keep the garden of your creation.
     Show us the way to care for the earth,
     not just for today but for ages to come.
The blessing of God is within us and amongst us,
     May we be a blessing to the earth and the earth to us.
     May we be seeds of renewal and hope.

4th Sunday of Creation Season: Care of the Earth

Text: Genesis 1:26-31
First HymnCome You Thankful People, Come
Middle HymnFor the Fruit of all Creation
Final HymnNow Thank We All Our God

Commission & Blessing
Creator God, creating still,
We thank you for the abundance of your creation.
We celebrate the diversity of life on this planet.
We delight in its extraordinary beauty.
Help us to understand that we are part of creation,
that we are your stewards in it.
Open our hearts to the needs of the earth and her creatures,
Inspire us to live lives of simplicity and sustainability,
Fill us with the courage and commitment to care for all of creation.

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