CategoryIs the Mitzvah of Memory Possible in Whitehead’s Process Model?
By Dr. Arlette Poland
Judaism is nothing if it is not its history. That is what I teach my students. One of the first things they hear and likely one of the main things they remember: Jewish history. All of the experience of the history of the Jews is in every prayer, every service, every line ..
Snow Prints and Free Determinism
by Charles Bowie
It’s early January and the snow is here. School is cancelled and I’m just here with my dog watching the snow fall. Ahhhh, but I know my boy is going to have to go out soon, so I guess I’ll get my gear and get ready to traverse this weather.
Out in the snow, I’m bundled up pretty..
Midsomer Murders: Metaphors for the Puzzlement of Why Life is Such a Mystery
by Ann Pederson
“Mystery is not a matter of ignorance, not a matter of not knowing enough. Mystery is a matter of richness and texture.” Philip Hefner, Our Bodies Are Selves (143)
“Mystery is not the same as a puzzle. A puzzle can be solved—the more we learn about it and think about it, the ..
The Spirituality of Bernie Sanders
by Austin Roberts
In an interview with the Washington Post this week, Bernie Sanders opened up about the spirituality that informs his politics. His comments, although brief, were provocative enough to spark my theological curiosity. He rarely discusses topics like God or religion, preferring to ..
Feeling all the Feelings
by Carolyn Roncolato
This week I started a new job after being the primary care giver for our son for the past year. This was also Ben’s first week of daycare. Day one he seemed to feel ok. Day two, not so much. I returned to a poor sweet worn out baby, sitting in a tiny chair, weeping into his..
The Power of the Subjective Form: Feelings as Perceptive Devices for Care and Connection
by Dr. Arlette Poland
Whitehead teaches us that perception involves several layers of activity. Neuroscience has recently proven his concepts to be accurate. The most simple of examples is our eyesight. Our eyes are not really what see the world. It is the brain that really ‘sees.’ Our eyes per..
Transcendent Justice or Human Judgment: Where Do The Norms of Justice Come From?
by Brianne Donaldson
This essay is one of a 6-part series titled “What is Justice?”:First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth
In the previous installment, I speculated on what is weighed in the two scales of justice. Most contemporary explanations suggest that the truths of society rest in ..
Process Theology or Process Yoga? Part 3b of 3
by Darren Iammarino,
Point 4: (How Do We Practice Process Yoga?) If there are multiple religious ultimates—so more than just God—then there are multiple pathways of salvation or perhaps, one must trod all of these paths. It means we may need meditation as much as we need prayer. However, what n..
by Kirsten Mebust
All who heard (Zechariah and Elizabeth) pondered them and said, ‘What then will this child become?’ Luke 1:66
This Advent I am waiting for the Baby. Specifically the baby. I’m immune to all sermons that skip over the baby. Birth is the point.
We are becoming grandparents. We’r..